Advice For New Dads

Advice For New Dads

Advice for dads. Here’s the benefit of my very limited wisdom from a heterosexual point of view.

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Lessons from my kids #3: Try Again.

Lessons from my kids #3: Try Again.

Fear not, dear reader. This lesson is not about what you think it’s about.

I’m not going to fling a bowl of warm, semi-regurgitated apple puree at you and weepily recount the profoundly goopy wisdom that dawned on me as little Starman managed to spoon slop into his mouth, as opposed to his ear, after trying and then trying yet again.

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Lessons from my kids #1: Jacarandas are enough

Lessons from my kids #1: Jacarandas are enough


“BB”, as my mum was affectionately known when engaged in her vocation as a grandmother, could transform car trips during Sydney’s riotous Jacaranda season into travelling ‘I-spy-with-my-little-eye’ festivals for her grandkids.

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